Emma Phillips Official

Emma Phillips Plus

“Curated Home & Art from the Artist Emma Phillips”

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About Emma Phillips Official

Emma Phillips Official

A haven of creativity from the heart of Northern Ireland

A Haven of Creativity and Sustainability Sprouting from the Heart of Northern Ireland"
Welcome to the Emma Phillips Shop, a cozy corner of the world where art, fashion, and sustainability intertwine to create a unique shopping experience. This is a place where every item tells a story, and every purchase supports a dream.

Our story begins with Emma, a passionate artist and designer from Co. Down, Northern Ireland. Emma's love for crafting began in her childhood, and it has grown into an all-consuming passion. From printing to embroidering, knitting to crocheting, painting to drawing, and graphic design - Emma has done it all. She even had her 15 minutes of fame on Kirstie's Handmade Christmas on Channel 4 in 2019, for her heritage teddy bears. But life has a way of throwing curveballs, and for a while, Emma had to put her crafty endeavors on hold to attend to other commitments.

However, the creative spark within her refused to die down. Emma found herself drawn back to her art, painting and drawing in every spare moment she had. It was during this time that she had an epiphany - why not combine her love for art with her passion for sustainability and create something truly unique? And so, the Emma Phillips Shop was born.

At our shop, we offer a range of products that reflect Emma's artistic vision and commitment to sustainability. From original art paintings that add a splash of color and personality to any room, to sustainable fashion items that let you make a statement without compromising on your values, to unique gifts that bring joy to the recipient - we have something for everyone. And let's not forget Emma's love for T-shirts - you'll find a collection of high-quality, beautifully designed T-shirts that are sure to become your new favorites.

Our mission at the Emma Phillips Shop is simple - to deliver high-quality, responsibly sourced products that bring a smile to your face. We believe in the power of art and design to transform spaces, uplift moods, and create lasting memories. And we're committed to doing so in a way that respects our planet and its resources.

So, why should you choose our shop over others? Because when you shop with us, you're not just buying a product. You're supporting a dream. You're becoming a part of a story. And most importantly, you're making a conscious choice to support sustainability and responsible sourcing.

Welcome to the Emma Phillips Shop - we can't wait to share our world with you.